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Titanic Artifact Exhibit at Luxor Las Vegas- Look Inside!

Key Points:

  • Titanic at Luxor tells the story of both the ship and her passengers with the aid of recovered artifacts and movie-set quality recreations.
  • While the artifacts are captivating, it’s the individual passenger stories that really make the exhibit hit home.
  • This is a must-visit attraction for anyone with even a vague interest in the Titanic – I found it to be a great value.

Titanic has always fascinated me. Ever since I was a kid, I watched every documentary, and read every book about the ill-fated liner that I could get my hands on.

I couldn’t get enough.

Although I had already visited Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition at Luxor about a decade ago, I figured it was time to swing in again with the intent of sharing the experience with you.

For those unfamiliar, Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition is home to 250+ artifacts from the ship that have been recovered from the seafloor. Additionally, the attraction has recreated a number of notable ship features, including the grand staircase, an outdoor deck, and guest accommodations.

The crown jewel of their artifact collection is “The Big Piece” which is a 26+ foot long, 15-ton chunk of Titanic’s hull, which was recovered from the depths of the Atlantic Ocean.

Hopefully, my breakdown of the attraction will help you determine if it’s worth adding to your itinerary.

The marquee to Luxor's Titanic Exhibit, which depicts a large painting of the ship above the entrance.

Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition Cost

Tickets to Luxor’s Titanic exhibit start at $32 (kids are $24) and can be purchased directly with the attraction.

Before buying, I recommend checking the price for the Titanic Artifact Exhibition on, which can often be cheaper.

The attraction also offers discounts to members of the military, NV residents, and senior citizens.

My Experience at Luxor’s Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition

Upon entering the exhibit, you’re handed a boarding pass with the name of an actual passenger on Titanic that explains who they’re traveling with, the reason for their voyage, and interesting facts about their life.

Before exiting, you learn their fate.

The front of my mock boarding pass granding me "Permission to come aboard White Star Line's RMS Titanic".
The backside of my boarding pass which was assigned to Frederick Banfield, who was traveling to Houghton, MI to work in a copper mine.

Once inside Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition, you’re surrounded by murals, informational placards, and artifacts recovered from the seafloor. It’s a history dweeb’s dream.

The museum flows in chronological order, first touching on the ship’s construction and pre-trip story and concluding with a roll call of those lost.

A room with murals of the Titanic under construction in dry dock.

Believable Re-creations of Titanic’s Interior

Making Luxor’s Titanic Exhibit especially engaging were the numerous movie set quality re-creations you stumble across which included a loading dock next to the ship’s hull, a 3rd class hallway and guestroom, a first-class guest room, and an outdoor promenade deck on a starry night.

Of course, the grand staircase is the most recognizable re-creation, although personal pictures of it were disappointingly not permitted (but you can see an image they provided below).

Instead, you have the option to let their photographer take a picture, which is available for purchase in the gift shop.

Replica Grand Staircase at the Titanic Exhibit
Courtesy of MGM Resorts
A room that provides the illusion of being on a dock next to Titanic's hull, with food supplies ready to be loaded.
Dockside, about to board Titanic
A hallway that is is a recreation of those in Titanic's third class.
Third-class Hallway aboard Titanic.
A typical third class accomodation with two sets of bunk beds and very little additional space.
Third-class Accommodations aboard Titanic.
First Class stateroom with a bed, fancy red wallpaper and a wooden workdesk.
First-class accommodation.
Another portion of the first class stateroom that has a small dining room table and chairs.
First-class accommodation part 2.
An outdoor promenade deck, with a fake, yet believable, evening sky full of stars.
Promenade Deck (for first-class passengers).

Interactive Displays

In addition to movie-like sets, Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition has an “Iceberg” on display that guests are able to touch.

A large block of ice made to look like an iceberg in front of a mock starry night sky.

There’s also a large re-creation of what Titanic currently looks like on the seafloor, which is extremely detailed.

A large metal model of what Titanic currently looks like on the seafloor.

Artifacts Recovered From the Depths

In every room and around every corner are display cases housing artifacts recovered from the wreck site. Next to each item is a small informational placard that provides additional details about that particular artifact (where it would have been located, used for, etc.).

For me, the artifacts are what make Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition worth visiting.

Here’s a small sampling of what’s on display:

Door Knob, coat hook, and a lightbulb in a display case.
Door knob, a coat hook, and a hallway light bulb.
Tableware haning in a display case that has placards explaining the differences that you'd see as you moved from class to class.
Tableware used on the Titanic.
A section of rope, a metal hook, and pully in a display case.
Rope, hook, and pulley.
A large metal wrench in a display case which is stamped with Titanic's yard number "401".
A large metal wrench.
Various bottles that once held beverages in a display case.
Bottles that once held beverages like beer, wine, and champagne.
Au Gratin dishes lined up like dominoes in sand. The placard explains they are lined up because the wooden case they were once stored in had rotted away.
Au gratin dishes lined up in the sand after their wooden case disintegrated.
A cracked glass window that once covered one of Titanic's portholes.
A porthole window

The most awe-inspiring item on display is “The Big Piece”, a 15-Ton section of the Titanic that has been raised from the seafloor.

Remarkably, researchers have been able to identify exactly where on the ship “The Big Piece” came from, down to which passengers occupied the rooms behind the portholes.

A large section of titanic's hull hangs vertically from the ceiling.
The backside of The Big Piece of Titanic's hull.

Passenger Stories

The human element of Titanic is omnipresent as you work your way through the exhibition, with passenger stories scattered about, and even display cases with artifacts that can be traced to specific passengers.

An example is the backstory and belongings of Franz Pulbaum, below:

A placard with the background story behind passenger Franz Pulbaum.
Passenger Franz PUlbaum’s story.
Belongings of Franz Pulbaum in a display case that includes paper documents, an envelope and a small booklet.
Belongings of Franz Pulbaum

In the final room, there’s a full roster of both the passengers who survived and those who perished that night.

A large wall that lists passengers that survived and died on Titnaic by class.
This wall really helps to put the tragedy of Titanic into perspective.

This room is also where you could scan the boarding pass you received before entering to see if you made it. My passenger, Frederick James Banfield did not.

Is the Titanic Exhibit at Luxor Worth Visiting?

Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition does a masterful job of telling Titanic’s story with physical artifacts, re-creations of parts of the ship, interactive displays, and emphasizing the human element of the tragedy.

This far removed from the Titanic’s sinking, it’s easy to lose sight of, or not feel the full weight of 1,523 lives lost. This exhibit does a nice job incorporating the stories of the individuals onboard, which helps put the loss of humanity on that night into perspective.

If you’re remotely interested in the Titanic, the ship’s history, artifacts recovered from the wreck site, and the stories of those aboard, then this attraction should be atop your list.

In my opinion, this is one of the best things to do in Las Vegas.

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Thursday 27th of July 2023

Hello! My name is Samuel and I come from Sweden. The other day I was in a city called Linköping, there was a Titanic exhibtion. Of course I was there. It was educational, emotional where I was really touched.

Ever since I was a boy I have always been interested in Titanic and my biggest dream is to go all the way to the exhibition in Las Vegas and see the big piece from Titanic.

My question is, is there any chance or opportunity to touch the big piece Titanic? Just to get a quick feel, a finger on a piece of the hull? If that's totally okay?

By the way, what periods/seasons are you open?


Jake Hoffman

Tuesday 1st of August 2023

You can touch the hull once, but you'll end up in jail :)

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